Passionate about Escape Games for a long time, I decided to create my first game with Unity.
I am a computer scientist and I work in an ESN and I take advantage of my free time to develop with Unity.
Luxxy Escape 3D Chapter One will be my first game and it will be free.
The development of the next chapters will depend on the reception of the game.
I hope to be very motivated for the future !
2067, it has been 6 years since the last human beings took refuge on the “belt of life”, formerly called the “polar circle”.
After the warming, pandemics and the digital war of 2054, the survivors are "autarkics" who had been able to anticipate the collapse.
All traces of science and technology have been destroyed and only what is in accordance with the law of nature is allowed.
Discovering a new third person 3D escape game, resolve enigmes and find all artefacts to the ultimate challenge.
Game available on iOS and Android.
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